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Jump on the Healthy Bandwagon with Wheatgrass Powder!  - Sorichorganics

Jump on the Healthy Bandwagon with Wheatgrass Powder! 

With size being as thin as a blade of grass, wheatgrass is packed with loads of nutrients. This green elixir is packed with optimal nutrition and contains protein, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium, it has nutrition equal to 2.5 pounds of fresh organic vegetables, and has only 120 calories. 

The nutritional value of wheatgrass powder doesn’t just end here! It comprises of 98 of the 102 earth elements like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus along with essential enzymes and 19 amino acids. Wheatgrass is an excellent immunity supplement as well. It is made up of 70% chlorophyll, the life-cell of plants, and is considered to be nature’s finest health tonic.

From helping with weight-loss to improving overall health, skin, and hair, there are umpteen benefits of wheatgrass powder. 

1. Promotes Healthy Digestion

Studies suggest that wheatgrass powder contains certain alkaline minerals that are effective against ulcers, constipation, and diarrhea. It helps in cleaning the colon and in keeping acidity at bay.

2. Reduces Unwanted Cravings

Cravings are a result of unfulfilled nutritional requirements of the body. Since wheatgrass powder is fused with vital nutrients and compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals, it ensures that your body is devoid of any cravings. A wheatgrass smoothie every morning may prevent you from overeating throughout the day. 

3. Helps with Weight-Loss 

Regular consumption of wheatgrass powder in the form of juices or smoothies helps in stimulating the thyroid gland, which boosts metabolism, provides energy, and aids in weight loss.

4. Helps to Detoxify the Body 

The cleansing properties of wheatgrass detoxify the bloodstream, liver, and colon, and enhances the strength of blood cells. It not only lowers inflammation but also offers relief from common aches. 

5. Improves Immunity

Wheatgrass powder helps in increasing red blood cells thereby strengthening the immune function of the body. A healthy immune response aids in preventing the occurrence of major illnesses and diseases. 

6. Helps in Fighting Stress

Wheatgrass powder is chock full of Vitamin B, which curbs anxiety and helps one unwind after a long day. 

7. Averts Dental Issues

Wheatgrass powder can help with tooth decay and other dental problems. 

8. Supports Skin Health 

Regular consumption of wheatgrass powder can prevent breakouts, treat acne, and promote beautiful glowing skin. It is also effective against bruises, sores, insect bites, rashes, sunburns, boils, and cuts owing to its antiseptic nature. 

9. Promotes Hair Growth

Regular consumption of wheatgrass powder can have miraculous effects on your hair quality. It promotes rapid hair growth and strengthens the roots. 

Wheatgrass powder is readily available on our website – you can use the powder to make juices and can even add a spoon to delicious smoothies. The fresh juice should be consumed within 10 minutes and you can mix it with orange juice, milkshakes, or smoothies to enhance the taste. 


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